Death Of Tyrant Allauddin Khalji - Conspired By His Eunuch Slave Malik Kafur

Allauddin Khalji

There is Speculation about his death, but it is said that Allauddin Khalji was killed by his Prominent Eunuch Slave - Malik Kafur in the year 1316
What Did Allauddin Khalji do so He was killed by his entrusted slave?
  1. Allauddin Khaliji’s uncle and Father in Law Jalaluddin Khalji had been the warden of the Marches in the Northwest later he overthrew successors of Balban in 1290, Delhi.
  2. Khaljis were a mixed Turkish-Afghan origin and were welcomed by Non-Turkish sections too.
  3. Jalaluddin Khalji ruled only for six years as he faced numerous foes Internally and Externally.
  4. As Governor Of Awadh, Alauddin Khalji accumulated a vast treasure by invading Deogir in the Deccan and had gone to kara instead of going to Delhi.
  5. Hearing this Jalaluddin Khalji visited Kara to get hold of the treasure, he left his army behind and crossed the Ganges with few Nobles.
  6. This is when Allaudin Khalji took a great opportunity and killed his Father In Law Jalaluddin Khalji and treacherously ascended the Throne and Crowned himself as the Sultan won over the support of the nobles.
Karma Stabbed Allauddin - Allauddin’s Death Conspiracy.
  1. When queen Padmini with all the women performed Jauhar it is said that the Heart Wrenching Wails coming out from the Jauhar Kund continued to haunt Allauddin Khalji.
  2. This impacted Allauddin, but what other legends say is that his Slave Malik Kafur wanted the place of Allauddin and he tried with all his might to take over the throne.
  3. For this, it is said that Malik Kafur conspired to Allauddin’s death and killed him.
  4. After his death in 1316 - Malik Kafur raised Allauddin’s Minor son to the throne and imprisoned or blinded his other Sons.
  5. It was Malik Kafur who killed Allauddin Khalji.
Allauddin killed Jalaluddin, Kafur killed Allauddin, Kafur was beheaded by Khusrau and Khusrau was defeated and killed by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq.
For the throne, these people killed each other. :D
Thank You!!!
Jai Hind!!!


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