Dairy Production 4500 Years ago In the Indus Valley Civilization
Early Evidence of “Dairy Production in Indus Valley Civilization” yes, a new study has revealed that dairy products were being produced by the Haprappans 4500 years ago. This archaeological finding has been proved scientifically that dairy production was in place in the Indus Valley Civilization in 2500 BCE and the earliest known evidence of dairy production Why this Arecological Discovery is Surprising? The Indus Valley Civilization also called Harappan Civilization, when we discuss the Harappan civilization most of us always refer to this ancient civilization as the Metropolitian cities and larger and lower towns. We know Harappans had great Urban Planning, sewage systems, trading systems and are well versed in Jewellery Making. But we had no idea that the common man living during the Harappan times and their lifestyle and how they were contributing in the larger network. Key Findings From a Latest Study: The results were based on Molecular Chemical Analysis of resi...